Our company, Center Sport sports management agency provides full-service representation for its clients for more than 20 years now. Our goal is to evolve a fair and trusted working relationship with our clients that goes beyond professional representation. We not only represent and sell players. We draw up short, medium, and long-term plans for our clients so that they are able to set achievable goals for themselves and we treat these goals the same way as they do. These goals are common goals and common interests, so we work with them together to realize their dreams.
Among the clients represented by us, there are professionals and youths players, and coaches as well. A list of our significant transfers is located at the bottom of the page.
With our extensive international and domestic relationships we are striving to find and create the best possible opportunities for our clients considering both the professional and financial aspects. Highly placed in the bar! We believe in a strong work ethic, precision, and constant improvement. During our work, we require these factors from ourselves as much as our clients require from themselves as they work hard every day to bring out their best…